Thursday Matthew was sick, and Friday I only worked 5 hours because he still was not feeling good. Then we had the weekend, and now today we are snowed in. (Please see my previous post for proof.)
My heart is to be a Mom, first and foremost. I day dream about the day that I don't have to be at a job Monday through Friday. A day when maybe I can be that Mom that has lunch with her son at school once a week, or comes and helps in the classroom. Maybe even the kind of Mom that could at least give home school a try, plant a garden, and cook a good home cooked meal at night.
God helps me everyday with the kind of Mom that I have to be right now. He is the one that gives me energy to get through my work day and then come home and take care of Matthew and our home. He is the one that gives me wisdom on how to manage the money He provides, and grace to keep on going during the hard weeks... and they do come sometimes, but then sometimes I get a taste of being 'at home'... like the last 5 days, and it totally stresses me out. I'm wondering if anyone out there can relate. I think I get stressed out because I want to make the best out of it,, and who knows.. maybe if I am 'perfect-time-managing-stay-at-home- mom' then God will grant it to me, but then I don't end up enjoying it. Someone please tell me that I'm not a complete
spaz? I mean, don't get me wrong, we've really had a good time. I enjoyed actually getting to take a nap on Thursday, the house is clean, I painted a painting on Sunday, and today we walked to the park and went sledding. I guess the stress hits me when all is done, Matthew's occupied with his friends, and I don't have anything 'to do'. Man, I guess I just really need to learn to RELAX!!
I think I'll grab a book, curl up on the couch, and just chill....... and that's okay... right?