Sunday, March 1, 2009

Winter Finally Hits in March

I went to church this morning with just a sweater on. When I left it was pouring down rain and then:

This weather is truly unpredictable!
It's still coming down, and looks like it's at least 3 inches right now. All the kids in the neighborhood are so excited. Unfortunately there are no sleds to be found, and the boogie boards I pulled out of the closet simply don't work as well. I'm sure the kids will figure something out.

We'll see if it all isn't melted away by tomorrow. For the kid's sake I hope not.


Unknown said...

I can't believe this weather! I too went to church in just a light cardigan. By the time I left my car was covered in snow! The good news is I get a day off from school tomorrow!

Maybe try a metal cookie sheet for a sled!

Anonymous said...

You two are gorgeous!! How fun to have a little snow.