Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Fun and 'other' accomplishments

Matthew said that this was the best Christmas ever, and I must say that I completely agree!! I took the whole week off, and we spent tons of good quality time together. Now he is off with his dad, but this has given me a chance to clean up the house and finally finish this post that I actually started before Christmas.

Well, on Tuesday I took care of my first thing on the list. Yay me!! Actually I kind of cheated:

I knew that me and Matthew were going to the Georgia Aquarium prior to posting my list. I needed some things on the list that I knew were going to be accomplished and soon so that I would have some encouragement on the other things-- I know myself people!

The Georgia Aquarium was so beautiful. We touched live shrimp, bonnet head sharks, sting rays, star fish, and sea anemones. Fun!!!

I hope you all had a very blessed Christmas with your families.

Sunday, December 21, 2008

30 Things to do before I'm 30 (in no particular order)

I didn't know what a realist I was until I started working on this list. I have though always known that I fear not finishing what I start so much of the time I don't start anything at all. Well, I would like to be a dreamer and definitely would like to be more goal oriented then I currently am. This list is to inspire me to do that. Now I will state that these are 'goals' meaning my goal is to accomplish them by the time I'm 30, but I'm going to give myself grace on this and what I don't finish I guess will be carried on to the next list.
I figured this post would be a good inspiration to complete the things on my list by giving me something interesting to post about periodically, and by allowing you good people to cheer me on and hold me accountable to finish what I started.
So, here it is:

1. Go to a beach I have not been to before.
2. Buy a new couch. DONE February 10, 2009
3. Get my passport.
4. Post this list in my bedroom were I can see it everyday.
5. Play with bubbles with my nephew and nieces.
6. Go to the Atlanta Aquarium DONE Dec. 23, 2008
7. Excavate dinosaur bones with Matthew.
8. Make an art journal.
9 Cook something new.
10. Visit and photograph 2 waterfalls in one day.
11. Travel outside of the USA.
12.Explore a castle I have never been to before.
13. Go to the Fish House.
14. Photograph 10 random red things.
15. Find a horny toad with Matthew.
16. Pick strawberries at Washington Farms.
17. Go on a date. Done: Dec 28, 2008(none ya business)
18.Run a 5K.
19. Ride on a hot air balloon.
20.Learn a new skill.
21.Read the entire Bible.
22. Meet one of my blog readers that I have never met before.
23. Sew curtains for Matthew's bedroom.
24. Go to Cumberland Island.
25. Sponsor a child overseas.
26. Give away gifts to strangers.
27. Rent, and vacation, at a beach house.
28. Go sledding with Matthew.
29. Visit my family in Utah.
30. Paint, and give away, 3 paintings.

'How long do you have?' you ask.
Well I have until April 28, 2010. Should be plenty of time.......... God willing.

Wednesday, December 17, 2008

The Masterpiece

Here it is for your viewing pleasure. This, my friends, is what a Ginger Bread House looks like when 3 boys are the constructors. Matthew had two of his neighborhood friends come over and help. They sure did have a lot of fun!!

I honestly think they could have done better, but they were more interested in eating the candy. I might have felt the same way at nine.

Now that the Ginger Bread House is done, the tree is decorated, and the presents are wrapped and strategically placed under the tree, the only thing left is to try to get a descent picture of Matthew to send out for cards. This, so far, is the kind of picture my son is posing for--yes, that is an ornament in his nose! I don't know what I'm going to do!
Oh well, I guess we all could use a good jolly laugh!!

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Favorite Christmas Traditions

Today Kim is having us tell our favorite Christmas traditions.
I'll be honest: I feel like me and Matthew need to work on that. I mean every year we take our traditional drive to look at Christmas lights, Christmas Eve he gets to open one present of my choosing, and every Christmas morning stockings are stuffed to full (and sometimes overflowing) capasity, but this year I want to start some new things:
Matthew and I read a story in a book the other day about a family that does a treasure hunt on Christmas morning and we decided to try that this year. I will hide one of his and leave a letter to the first clue under the tree and he's going to do the same. Knowing Matthew he will get SO excited that he will tell me right where mine is at-- we shall see.
We also plan to make a Ginger Bread House together which is something my mom usually did when we were kids. Matthew is so concerned about sitting it out and not being able to eat any of it. I've promised him that there will be extra for munching.
I've also always wanted us to make a sign that says:
You've Won This Year's Starr & Matthew Best Lights Award!!
and post it in someones yard with a gift card or something while looking at Christmas lights. This is a tradition that I hope to start this year.
Mainly though my hope this year is for me and Matthew to glorify God - to not let The Reason for The Season be missed in all this businesses and create memories that also remind us of the Goodness of Jesus.

Go over and check out some other Favorite Traditions on Kim's Blog and post one of your own!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Hoping for a pearl

For those of us that have experienced a loss before, whether that be from a loved one dieing, a divorce, or someone special moving away, I think there is always that point were reality hits and you finally realize that that person is gone and is not coming back. Honestly, I had to go through quit a few of those times during the process of my divorce. Allowing those times to come, along with the pain, made room for healing and a final excitement about the future.

One of those realization times has been coming to mind lately. About two and a half years ago I was with a friend and in need of some encouragement. She prayed for me and then felt lead to tell me this story:

Once upon a time there was a little girl who had a fake pair of pearls. She loved these pearls and wore them everyday, but one day her Daddy came to her and asked her if she would give him the pearls. She of course said no. She loved her pearls and couldn't bare to part with them. Her Daddy continued day after day to ask her for them, but she continued to say 'No!' Her Dad had told her that if she gave him those pearls that he had something very special he wanted to give to her. One evening the little girl began to think about how much she loved her pearls, but also about how much she loved and trusted her Father. The very next day she gave those fake pearls to her Dad and immediately he handed her the most beautiful pearl necklace she had ever seen, but there was something other then it's beauty that was different about this these pearls ---- they were REAL.

I have been thinking a lot lately about the 'real' pearls God has blessed me with. How through this I have come to have more intimacy with a 'real' God who, in the process, has taught me how to be the 'real' me.
There is, though, a pearl I have not yet gained. A pearl that I hope will some day be a husband that God has orchestrated in my life the 'real' way God has called love and marriage to be, but I'm okay with the wait (well, not always, but today I am) because I know that 'real' pearls take a while to form. They require a lot of time and friction to develop into something lovely, and during that time the pearl is completely hidden from view. So, when I look around and see nothing, or no one, I try to remember this about 'real' pearls. I also try to remember that it really must take an act of God to find a pearl-- I mean the oceans pretty dang big! So, that leaves me just trusting the Daddy that has always been trustworthy, and I bet, if He knows the number of hairs on my head that He also knows right where my pearl is and He'll bring it to me right on time.

Friday, December 12, 2008

All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth--- or.... of these very stylish aprons made by Kim. Check out what she's got going on. You know you'll be spending some time in the kitchen around Christmas-- may as well look good in there, and hey, if you feel the urge you can buy me the Ruffly one.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

I think I'll go back....... someday

My mom took the four of us kids to the grand canyon when I was a teenager. I don't think I appreciated it as much as I should have as a teen, but I do remember thinking that it's, well, grand. I absolutely love roadtrips, but wasn't sure that I would ever make my way back to the Grand Canyon until I saw this:

I've pretty much decided that me and my son must have pictures of us walking on this skyline! This is so super cool!!
Unfortunately this post is not to announce that we are jumping on a plane this week to fly to Arizona, but I simply just wanted to let you know so that if in 10 years you see me you can ask-- 'have you went back to the Grand Canyon yet?' and if I say no-- you can remind me that this is a place that I need to go and hopefully in 10 years I will have no excuses!

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Favorite's Party- Kid Stories


Oh wow, there is some many one liners I could tell you about, or crazy stunts he has pulled. I could tell you about his attempts at break dancing, beat boxing, wiggling his ears, or standing on his head. I could even show you some funny faces that he makes-- which is embarrassing because most of them he gets from me!! I could tell you about the time I found earth worms in his pocket or his obsession with being Clark Kent. Hmmmmm-- I guess I will just leave you with this:

When Matthew was maybe four we all enjoyed watching The Crocodile Hunter. Matthew loved the animals and Steve Irwin was Matthew's hero. Well, one day we were in a toy store; me and his dad were just talking as we walked past this giant stuffed crocodile of which we didn't even notice until our son jumped on top of it, rapped his legs around it, and began rolling all over the place; wrestling the poor thing into submission--- as much as you can a stuffed croc. I think the funny thing about it was how serious Matthew was. He wasn't laughing at all, but just doing his Crocodile Hunter duty. We really got a big laugh out of that.

Saturday, December 6, 2008

I'm Finally Feeling the Christmas Spirit

Last night I hung Christmas lights on the front porch, and today me and Matthew decorated the Christmas tree. My heart is finally starting to catch up with the joy of the season.

I have a confession to make; I tend to take a little longer then some to get excited about Christmas. A lot of the hustle and bustle stresses me out, being away from family makes me feel lonely, and the cold makes me want to find a warm bed and sleep until the spring.

Now don't worry, because of my awesome son and because of The Reason for the season it always comes together and we always end up having a very Merry Christmas, and this one I plan on being especially great!

Here are a few pics of our Christmas tree. Personally, I absolutely love real trees, especially the smell of them, but I have some stereotypes and one of them is that it is 'mans work' to cut down the tree, drag it down the stairs, and set it up in that tree stand doohickey (I know you are super disappointed mom-- I'm not as strong as you apparently-heehee), but this year there is not a big burly man to help with a tree even though Matthew has grown quit a bit this year. So, we will stick to the fake one.--- I'm considering sneaking some Pine Car Air Fresheners in there for added effect, and I've learned over the last couple of years that the ticket to fake trees is to put double the ornaments and garland to fill it all in, especially if you have a lower-end one like I do. Either way I'm happy with our officially 'Christmassy' house!!

Have you put your Christmas Tree up yet? Real or Fake? Does the whole family decorate the tree at your house?

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I missed Favorites Tuesday

I had some Internet problems last night, but really wanted to still post my 'favorite' anyways. Sorry about not having Mr Linky Kim, I am fairly computer illiterate.
My favorite present is actually not one that I received but actually a present Matthew got at his last birthday. This singing dog has become quit a fun fixture in our home. Randomly Matthew will bring it in the room I'm in, sit it down, and push the button. A couple of weeks ago I was still asleep and Matthew came in and layed the singing dog next to me. Later that day he was in the shower and I snuck in the bathroom and sat him on the counter to sing to Matthew.
This little dog has become a fun/silly way that we tell each other 'I love you'.

Monday, December 1, 2008

With More Gadgets Comes Greater Responsibility

I did it. I camped out at Office Depot, survived the cold weather and snoring stranger sleeping next to me, and escaped with a steal on a laptop and digital camera-- Yay!
I will say one thing for sure. Sleeping on that sidewalk (actually 'attempting' to sleep) really made me thankful for not being homeless. Sleeping on the streets is AWFUL!!

But still, I did get a good deal, and don't plan on doing it again in the future.

Now for my first proof of the digital camera purchase. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a picture of me after my night in the Office Depot parking lot.

I'll confess that I had taken pictures that looked a lot worst, but I believe that this one still reflects that it was rough with out me looking too awfully disgusting.

After sleeping most of my day away on friday and playing on my laptop ALL day (and I do mean all day) Saturday I have decided that I need a timer for myself-- I definitely need a limit, and I'm proud to say that I have implemented that the last couple of days and it has done me and my household good.

I'm excited about being able to spend more time on my posts and being able to read other's blogs at home.

Please tell me how you manage your computer time at home without robbing time from family, chores, and the Lord.

Friday, November 21, 2008

Singletonville Episode 5 - It's been awhile

Being single has not really been a topic that I currently want to discuss-- well not in specific terms-- I would rather be skirting around this topic, but here I am.

Being single has not always met being in waiting. I have been single now for 3 years and 5 months. It has only been a little over a year that I have wanted something more-- hint hint-- a husband. Now I won't be to upfront about this desire because frankly it's intense and may scare any single blog reading gents away, but will say I have a lot to learn about how to deal with this and how to wait on the Lord.

The Lord reminded me this morning of a past situation where I had to wait, and in the end it paid off in an amazing way.
In Nov. 2007 my car broke down. I was driving a 96 Ford Excort. Now I could list off a lot of very humorous problems that I had with this car, but I'll just leave it at 'I had to start it with a screw driver'. Now when this car broke down I knew that I did not want to put a lot of money into fixing it. It obviously was following apart-- very obviously- so I decided to let it go, but I had no money and therefore no transportation. As I was leaving the bank, after finding out about car payments and such for a loan, I received a phone call. It was a friend of mine from church offering to let me use a car that no one in their family was currently driving. Now I had told the Lord that if He did not want me to get a loan (that honestly would have been hard to pay off) that He would have to provide transportation for me while I saved up money to buy a car. That call was an answer to prayer. They told me that I could borrow that car for 6 months so I really couldn't pass that up--- even though I REALLY wanted to buy a new car! Come March of 2008 I had saved up about $4,000 which would have helped me to purchase a car a step up from the Escort, but God was doing something unexpected. That same month I had someone come to me with a check for $5,000 that Jesus had told them to give to me!!! Another blessing in all this was that I work for a company that gives their agents Ford Five Hundreds and then resales them to company employees at below cost. So I was able to purchase one of these very nice vehicles at $3,000 below blue book and still have money in the bank!!!
God was more then enough, and blessed me more then what I had even asked for!

And now to pull this all together. When I was driving this car home after waiting and praying for a new car for a while I realized how much it was worth the wait, and with anything in my life I would rather have the Ford 500's in life then the latter that I could supply with my own strength. Mr. Ford 500 will come along in my life right when God has ordained it, and it will be worth the waiting and way better then anything I could make happen on my own. God has already proven Himself to be THAT GOOD!!!

Lord teach us how to patiently wait on Your best, and trust Your time.

Also, help my Mr. Ford 500 wait on You and allow You to direct his path.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Celebrity Collage by MyHeritage

MyHeritage: Family trees - Genealogy - Celebrities - Collage - Morph

This is so weird, and I'm not sure I agree with any of them, but I wanted to post something today and came up brain dead.

Who do you think you look like? Has anyone ever told you you look like someone famous?

I've been told twice that I look like Drew Barrymore (I don't think I agree with that either) -- funny that she didn't come up on mine!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Oops, did I say 'my' ways are better than Yours?

How many times have you told your children (or child) I'll do that, or let me take care of that- just to have them do it anyways and make a huge mess? For example: the pouring of the milk-- any mom knows about this one. It's breakfast time. Your child wants Fruit Loops and sneaks into the kitchen unnoticed. You walk into the kitchen to find he/she looking up at you with those big beautiful eyes and saying 'I just wanted to help' as milk spreads all over the kitchen floor.
Oh, and then there's the 'I can dress myself!!' Go ahead and take a seat parents, because this could take awhile. Oh, and make sure that you are near by because most likely they will need to be caught as they fall backwards trying to pull on those jeans, or they may need some help untangling their head from that hole that seems WAY to small in that shirt they are so desperately trying to pull on.
Now, my son is nine so (Thank God) he is fairly capable of pouring his own cereal and milk and handles dressing in the morning pretty good, but that doesn't mean he's exempt from all this. Lately he thanks he can carry in ALL the groceries and don't get me wrong I so appreciate the help, but when he is determined to carry 10 bags on each arm down 20 stairs to our duplex I have to protest-- Yes you have big muscles Matthew, and yes I appreciate the help, but just let me get some PLEASEEEE. 'Why the pleading' you ask--- well, have you ever picked up scattered groceries from your front lawn? Yeah, I didn't think so!!

I am super blessed that my son wants to help, and yes there are many things he can do and needs to do to develop his independence and skills, but there are so many things that I am perfectly okay with helping him on. I wonder how many things right now I am trying to do on my own that the Lord is saying-- 'honey, let me handle this pleeease'
And what does my "no thank you, I can do it myself" really mean?
The way I grip certain things and refuse to surrender them to the Father may be a petition to prove my capabilities, but even so-- what does God expect us to prove to Him?, or maybe, just maybe, I don't trust Him. Maybe I think that I want things my way, and His way will be too hard or too long or too whatever,
oh, but look at the messes--- so many messes I have made, so many things I have made WAY harder then they really have to be and all the while He's saying
I'd really like to help you
or even better
I'd really like to handle this for you Beloved.
I really want to come to a place where I can hear Him clearly when He says -- this one is 100% for Me to handle. Wow!! How much easier would my life be-- how much more peaceful and joyful!
Now I know that there are hard things that sometimes we have to walk out with Him-- my divorce was one of them-- believe me, I understand those times, but why the heck would we walk out something that He wants to take care of Himself? There are enough things He has called us to use these muscles on-- I don't want to waste them on things that He has asked me to surrender and just trust! Especially those things that I have no control over in the first place even though I still am looking for a way to pour out this impossibly heavy thing of milk, or put these cloths on that simply don't fit, or carry that heavy load that is WAY to big for me to carry.
Whatever 'it' may be I just simply what the discernment to know when to walk it out and carry it with Him and when to just let Him have it ALL.

His ways are WAY better than mine.
Let me say that one more time:

Friday, October 31, 2008

Fear of Disappointment

Anyone out there scared of hope or scared of wanting something and the chance of not getting it?
I know that one of the things God wants me free from that has been really hard for me is the fear of disappointment-- this fear will always keep us from hoping and believing for God's best for our lives. This fear will keep us living in mediocrity and thinking that it's just the way things are. This fear causes us to grow frozen when a desire in our heart explodes out and we can't seem to get rid of it. This fear results in much frustration when there is something God wants us to hope for, but we result in fighting against that something because we don't want to be disappointed.

Blah! I HATE this fear. I hate it that on some days I feel like this fear owns me. I hate it that I know that there are things God has called me to hope for, but this fear causes me to give those things up at times.
Isaiah 43: 23 says: "Then you will know that I am the LORD; those who hope in me will not be disappointed."
I sometimes wonder how much God's people are missing out on because we don't believe Him and trust His word.
Yes, we have all seen disappointment, and I know at times I have blamed the Lord for mine, but based on His word-- we do NOT find disappointment in Him when we are willing to Hope in Him.

In Isaiah 54 vs 4 the Lord says "Do not be afraid; you will not suffer shame. Do not fear disgrace; you will not be humiliated. You will forget the shame of your youth and remember no more the reproach of your widowhood."
Prior to this verse he asks a person to expand their tent pegs knowing that they had no family to put in this tent. God was asking for hope, a hope that even birthed action in one way or another.
I know that God has asked me to hope, and the action in standing with Him in this hope is prayer-- that is the tent that will make room for his promises and His expansion in my life. Is there risk-- only risk that things won't end up exactly like 'I' have determined, but that risk is minimized when I find that He is my guarantee. I have a guarantee in His goodness, in His love, that He does what He says He is going to do, and that those that Hope in Him will not be disappointed.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick, and I don't like being sick, but I would much rather be sick for a time, and believe God then ignore His voice and miss out because of fear!!!!!!
I also know that He is so good to help us in our waiting and hoping, to send His words of encouragement and peace on the journey. He has compassion and knows that some things are really scary to believe for, and has sufficient grace to help us to stand.
My good friend Jessi said to me yesterday 'if he cares about what you will eat and what cloths you will wear how much more the ache of your heart'. I am so thankful that He does care and that He won't disappoint. I'm also thankful that no matter how hard I have tried to push hope away that He continues to bring it back up again-- even through my kicking, screaming, and fighting.

Today I choose to hope.

Psalm 130:7 O Israel, put your hope in the LORD, for with the LORD is unfailing love and with him is full redemption.
Psalm 147:11 the LORD delights in those who fear him, who put their hope in his unfailing love.
Proverbs 13:12 Hope deferred makes the heart sick, but a longing fulfilled is a tree of life.
Proverbs 23:18 There is surely a future hope for you, and your hope will not be cut off.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Black Friday-- I mean Thanksgiving is coming!!

Why do they call it Black Friday anyways? I have no idea!

Well, I have been super excited about this Thanksgiving primarily because of the day after-- turkey's good people but discounted electronics is exciting too!

Right now the plan is to camp out at Best Buy with my Pro Best Buy Camper Friend Brandy. Now I haven't had the privilege of joining her in this adventure yet, but that is the plan for this year. I have been scrimping, saving, and studying up for the grand purchases of one of these

or any good digital camera, because I am one of the only Americans who does not have one.

And I want one of these

BUT I don't know much about digital cameras or laptops.
Any advice? Which ones would you recommend? What do I stay clear of? What is a 'must have' when it comes to digital cameras or laptops?

I would so appreciate any expertize you may have.
We've only got a couple of weeks left, and I would love to testify afterward of the great deals I find via post on my new laptop (including pics from my new digital camera (thank you Jesus)) later in the month.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

I didn't want to wake up this morning!

I had this dream last night that is completely distracting me today!!
In my dream there was this man and he was totally in love with me. I mean like REALLLLY in love with me, and I loved him too. It was just such a feel good dream! (Nothing dirty peeps- keep your head out of the gutter.)
I have never been loved the way I was loved in this dream, except by Jesus, of course, and I just want to think about it and think about it, because it was so fun being with this person. I feel lost in lala land.
Can anyone relate? How much do your dreams distract you? How much focus or thought do you put into the dreams you have? I believe God can give a person dreams; How do you determine whether a dream is from God or not?

Friday, October 24, 2008

Out of the Darkness

I have a testimony of the Lord's goodness everyday. He has truly been so good to me, but today I would like to take you back to the testimony of 1998.

This testimony is about a young lady, not yet 18 years old. A girl with bleach blond hair, and empty blue eyes. This girl is about as far from God as a girl could be: strung out on drugs and in a very unhealthy relationship. She's on a bus heading south alone. She left school 4 credits from graduating, and a family that loved her. With only $15 in her pockets, and a backpack full of cloths she stepped onto the Grey Hound of Escape. She was leaving for 'love'. A counterfeit love, but still the only love she new.
How could she be found? She was so far from the light, so far from truth. How could any good come out of such rebellion?

Psalm 139:
7 Where can I go from your Spirit?
Where can I flee from your presence?
8 If I go up to the heavens, you are there;
if I make my bed in the depths, you are there.
9 If I rise on the wings of the dawn,
if I settle on the far side of the sea,
10 even there your hand will guide me,
your right hand will hold me fast.
11 If I say, "Surely the darkness will hide me
and the light become night around me,"
12 even the darkness will not be dark to you;
the night will shine like the day,
for darkness is as light to you.

So far from home, and so far from truth, this little girl (trapped in a young woman's body) would find her salvation.
John 1: 46"Nazareth! Can anything good come from there?" Nathanael asked. "Come and see," said Philip.
Can anything good come from a little girl running away from home and school? Can anything good come from someone choosing to heap themselves in drugs to escape? Can anything good come from two men robbing a mans house? 'Hmmm, where did that come from?' you ask.
In the depths, a Hand reached down through a door that was opened through the most unlikely circumstances. Two men robbing a house resulted in an invitation to church. Much could be said about the details of this story, but we shall keep it simple for the testimony bares witness regardless. Needless to say even in the midst of wrong company God came down to save.
The Sunday following the robbery that young girl walked into a place she had never known before, actually even more then that, an atmosphere she's never felt before. She walked into a church filled with the presence of God. She could not comprehend the raised hands, the smiles or tears on other faces, or the elaborate songs of praise coming out of so many mouths.
She didn't know why, but she wanted to weep, either that or run-- how could one take in such a presence-- such a presence of love. Is this how it was suppose to feel?
A call was made for changed life, for forgiveness, for salvation. She felt the ropes of love pulling her to stand-- and up she went, but immediately she sat back down.--- 'I don't need this' she thought, 'I'm fine'. As the pastor continued to pray and the rest of the church interceded for the girl that showed such a struggling desire for Jesus, He pulled tighter-- rapping her in His love-- who could resist? She couldn't, and on that day (May 24, 1998) salvation came out of the darkness, and she was never the same again.

I think sometimes we all need a reminder of exactly how big our God is. He is not held back by the darkness of this age. The people that we fear cannot be reached I can guarantee that He can reach them. I know for a fact because He found this little girl, named Starr, in the most unlikely place, and reached down DEEEEEEEP to rescue her!!!

Honesty Blog

Thanks Theresa for voting me in on one of your Honest Webloggers.

10 Honest things about me:
1. I've eaten cat food before when I was little.
2. I have never been out of the country.
3. I'm scared of small spaces, and often have dreams that I'm in a room with a really small door that I'm scared to go through.
4. I was not born in a hospital, but at home in my moms bed.
5. I am an artist-- though it makes me really uncomfortable to call myself that.
6. I love sneezing!!
7. I absolutely hate doing the dishes, which may be because I've been doing them since I was 5.
8. Part of me wants to speak on a stage someday, but a big part of me really doesn't.
9. I have a dream of being proposed to on a hot air balloon someday-- if you guys ever meet my future husband drop him a hint.
10. I cry almost everyday on my way to work while listening to worship music in my car. (fyi: it's not like a weeping sob, but really more like I just tear up)

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Letters Passed Through Prison Bars

Many of the people in my life are going through hard times right now; in fact 'hard times' may be an understatement. Just last night I heard two of my dear friends describe this time as sitting in a room with all the lights turned off-- grasping walls for the light switch, but one thing else was acknowledged- we are not in that room alone, but the Lord sits in there with us; seeing things that only He can see.(Psalm 139:12 even the darkness will not be dark to You; the night will shine like the day, for darkness is as light to You.) He is there making sure that all ends result to His Glory.
One thing that has amazed me, as seeing these sisters go through the dark, is the encouragement that has still been overflowing out of them even in the midst of their 'chains for Christ'. I have watched a set of 'Pauls' continue to reach out of their own circumstances (their own prisons) and still choose to be a light to others that may even appear to be in the same darkness.
I have heard them say things that so closely match the words of Paul:
Phil. 1:3 I thank my God every time I remember you. 4 In all my prayers for all of you, I always pray with joy 5 because of your partnership in the gospel from the first day until now, 6 being confident of this, that he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.
7 It is right for me to feel this way about all of you, since I have you in my heart; for whether I am in chains or defending and confirming the gospel, all of you share in God's grace with me. 8 God can testify how I long for all of you with the affection of Christ Jesus.

I am so thankful that none of us are in places where we cannot be encouraged or hugged by each other, and even more thankful that in the midst of chains and darkness some are still willing to stand and hope-- even regarding other's chains.
The Lord has really been ministering to me that in this place, as hard or dark as it may seem, that there is treasure to be found, and still a light to shine-- His light.
My heart for this post is primarily to exalt the Lord in ALL His goodness, and to thank Him for how greatly He is shining out of the people He has so graciously placed in my life, but I also want to say thank you to all of those that have chosen to be like Paul, and in the midst of their own chains to reach out to others and still allow the Lord to use them!! Your reward will be great!!

Colossians 1:10 And we pray this in order that you may live a life worthy of the Lord and may please him in every way: bearing fruit in every good work, growing in the knowledge of God, 11 being strengthened with all power according to his glorious might so that you may have great endurance and patience, and joyfully 12 giving thanks to the Father, who has qualified you to share in the inheritance of the saints in the kingdom of light.

Timothy 4:7 You are fighting the good fight, you are finishing the race, you are keeping the faith. 8 Now there is in store for you the crown of righteousness, which the Lord, the righteous Judge, will award to you on that day—and not only to you, but also to all who have longed for his appearing.

Lord, Thank you that sorrow may last a night, but Your joy comes in the morning. Thank you for what You are developing in Your people as they are being refined by You, and thank you that You never give us more then we can handle-- that You always bless us with the correct measure of grace and faith for whatever You are having us walk through. Lord, fill those that are in the dark places today with Your Holy Spirit light. Help us to continue to hope and continue to love. Guard our hearts from bitterness and our minds from despairing thoughts. Bless those that have chosen to continue to walk in compassion and be used by You even in the places where they may feel like they have nothing to offer. Let me, God, be one of those 'Pauls' that are willing to reach through my darkness (prison bars) with a letter of hope, peace, and encouragement.
In Jesus' Mighty Name-- SO BE IT !!!!!!!

I'll praise You while it's raining.
I'll trust You while it's raining,
Because the suns going to shine again!!!!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

Conversation with God

So, I was talking to the Lord this morning about how it seems that single Godly men are few and far between. (Now if you happen to be one of the few single Godly men that know me, do not take this personally, but take a look around you, do you see many others?)

Okay, so back to my conversation with the Lord. I was just kind of pointing out to Him that there didn't seem to be a big crowd of available good men around, And so you know what I felt like the Lord said to me:
"You only need one Starr."

There is hope! Thank you Jesus!!

I guess this short post will expose my desire for a husband, which, by the way, must have been put there by the Lord because 2 years ago I wouldn't even had considered it.

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

9 Year Old Boys like Girls..... WHAT?????

Okay, someone hand me a paper sack. I've been on the verge of hyperventilating for the last couple of weeks now!!

4th Grade is a whole new world, and the fact that I have never been a boy before seems to be keeping me at a disadvantage.

I would like to confess that I thought it was girls that start noticing boys young, I didn't see this coming. I didn't know that 'my' son would care yet.
Why God? WHY ME?--------- in a whiny pitiful voice.

Now, to my sons defence, he is not doing anything bad--- well, except for last week when he was hollering at the girls on the bus to 'call him sometime' in his new 'cool kid' voice.
(I wish I could take a picture of the look on my face right now-- I'll describe-- my eyes are really big, with shock and fear, and my eyebrows are squeezed together, in dismay, and I'm frowning.)

Someone out there tell me this is normal. Is it? HUH? HELP ME!!!!!

Okay, deeeeeeeep breath. He's a good kid. He knows about Jesus-- he loves Jesus. He knows that if he's not ready to marry--- which based on the fact that HE IS NINE -- then he doesn't need to be in a relationship-- well, and the fact that he doesn't know what a 'relationship' really means says a lot too.
I asked him yesterday-- What's the difference between being someones friend and being their 'boyfriend'? and he said 'I don't understand the question.'
Nough said...........

He came off the bus on Tuesday all upset because kids were accusing him of liking this girl Taylor-- which he does, but still he was mortified and VERY upset. I asked him ' Are girls a big topic with your friends this year' and he said 'Well mom, last year was all about wrestling with the guys, and playing with bugs, and this year is more about girls.' -- okay-- there's that lump in my throat-- swallow hard-- ughh.
I think the thing that is hard for me is I can tell that this change is effecting Matthew, that he is somewhat confused and doesn't know how to process how he is feeling or manage these new emotions or the new topics that are coming up.
We have been having really good conversation, but I still feel so inadequate as a mom in this area.

To recognize the good:
This has caused me to increase my prayers for my son, and lean on God's truth in His word.
I have seen my son come to me with things that I know some kids don't talk to their parents about.
I've realized the importance of just listening to Matthew.

Well, I just really needed to get that all out. I'm sorry this is such a jumbled up crazy post, but it's all I've got in me right now.

If you feel lead please pray for Matthew and for me.


Tuesday, October 14, 2008


To those granola lovers I just wanted to make you aware of this yummy new cereal!! Grab a box now!!
Now I am a cereal mixer. I can eat up to 3 different types of cereal in a bowl at a time. This, my friends, is one of my new favorites.
I also have a zip lock back of it that I bring to work, because it's delicious to just munch on with no milk.
Give it a try and let me know what you think!

Monday, October 13, 2008

Photos to bring in Joy on a Monday

The weekend before last Matthew and I, and a wonderful group of friends, went on a camping trip to Lake Jocassee.

(Sorry the pics are small, I'm having technical difficulties)

Monday, October 6, 2008

Pray for America

This was emailed to me a couple of days ago, and I thought it worth while to post on my page. I'm not always great at committing to a specific time of prayer, but I really felt the call to participate in this. Our prayers are effective, and do move the heart of our God.

II Chronicles 7:14...Pray for our Elections

This is the scariest election We as Christians have ever faced.
From the looks of the polls, the Christians aren't voting for Christian

We all need to be on our knees. Do you believe we can take God at
His word?

Call upon His name, then stand back and watch His wonders
to behold. His scripture gives us, as Christians, ownership of this land
and the ability to call upon God to heal it.

I challenge you to do so. We have never been more desperate than now
for God to heal our land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 : "If my people, which are called by my name shall
humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face and turn from their
wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their
sin, and will heal their land."

During WWII, there was an advisor to Churchill who organized a group
of people who dropped what they were doing every night, at a
prescribed hour for one minute to collectively pray for the safety
of England, it's people and peace. This had an amazing effect as the
bombing soon stopped.

There is now a group of people organizing the same thing here in America.
The United States of America and our citizens need prayer more than ever!!!

If you would, PLEASE take the following step to participate: Each evening at
9:00 PM Eastern Time, 8:00PM Central, 7:00 PM Mountain, 6:00 PM Pacific
, stop whatever you are doing and spend one (1) single minute;
praying for the safety of the United States, our troops, our
citizens, for peace in the world, for wisdom and courage for our
leaders, the up-coming election, and that the Bible will remain the
basis for the laws governing our land and that Christianity will
grow in the U.S.

If you know anyone who would like to participate, please pass this along.
Someone has said, 'If people really understood the full extent of
the power we have available through prayer, they'd be speechless.'
Our prayers are the most powerful asset we have.

God Bless You!!! God Bless America!!!

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

He Has Me

If I must be moved
Move me by Your wind Lord.

If I must stand
Hold me up with Your strength.

If I must bow low
Let me lay before Your throne.

If I must weep
Catch my tears in Your bottle.

If I must be alone
Be the Presence all around me.

When You have me Father I am safe no matter where I might 'be'.

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

A Random Silly 'Starr' Thought

I wonder if someday someone will make a movie like 'The National Treasure' except instead of a map being on the back of the Declaration of Independence there is a map on the front and back of an Oreo cookie?

I wonder what the map would lead too?

Friday, September 26, 2008

Just say NO

I like to be useful, I like to be needed, I like when I feel like I'm making a difference.
A lot of those happy, warm feelings that come from 'doing' have all been flushed down the toilet as I've come into the new season of 'Just Say No!'.
'What are you talking about?' you ask very intently.
Well, I don't know that I can fully explain it, because I have never experienced this season, to this degree, before.
In 2007 I was BUSY, but it was a good busy. I was raising my son, helping with church stuff, praying for my country, friends, and family, and now the tires have screeched to a stop, and I feel the Lord taking me into a place of 'being' instead of 'doing'. 'I' feel like it's a holding place, but maybe that's a bad way to look at it-- who out there likes to be on hold? NOT ME!!
Lately every opportunity that may come up to serve in some capacity or to commit to some prayer group always ends in the Lord gently saying 'Just say no'.
'WHAT?? Esccuuuuse me Lord, don't you neeeeed my prayers, and neeeed me to serve at the church. '
'Yes, but not right now'
So, with my 'doing' being taken away, what IS He saying yes to:
Yes to more time with Him and in His word
Yes to more time with my son just to simply play and be together
Yes to long walks in complete silence
Yes to rest
Yes to peace
Well, maybe I should be thankful for this season. How about instead of thinking it as a Holding Cell; I'll try to look at it as a Rejuvenation Retreat.

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Interesting Insight

It may be hard for an egg to turn into a bird: it would be a jolly sight harder for it to learn to fly while remaining an egg. We are like eggs at present. And you cannot go on indefinitely being just an ordinary, decent egg. We must be hatched or go bad. C. S. Lewis

Tuesday, September 23, 2008


When my son is hungry he acts like he is going to die if he doesn't eat right then and there. We can be in the car driving down a lonely highway and somehow he expects 'magical mommy' to pull a McDonald's Kids Meal right out of my purse IMMEDIATELY!
I guess I can't hold it against him; I, myself, hate feeling hungry. I guess the difference between me and my Ever Trusting son is that he knows that I am going to provide him some food as soon as I can. I, on the other hand, tend to completely freak out when certain hunger pains come up, worrying whether or not the Lord is going to provide the means to suffice my need, or knowing that He will, but wondering how long the waiting period is going to be 'this time'.

Luke 11: 11-13 "Which of you fathers, if your son asks for a fish, will give him a snake instead? 12 Or if he asks for an egg, will give him a scorpion? 13If you then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give the Holy Spirit to those who ask him!"

Have I ever let my son starve to death?
If he asks for chocolate cake do I give him vegetables?
Yes-- if he needs something healthy.
Does he sometimes get chocolate cake after eating something healthy?

I surrender all my hunger pains to my Father that knows what is best for me, and always knows how to give good gifts. I choose to come to His banquet table and eat of the Lord's choice fruits!

Luke 6: 21 Blessed are you who hunger now, for you will be satisfied.

Stone Mountain

Here is a picture of Matthew pointing at the moon on top of Stone Mountain from a couple of weekends ago. I hope to post some more pics of this amazing day when I get the chance.
Me, Kathryn, and our kids had a blast!!

Thursday, September 18, 2008

In the Stillness

Have you ever been in a place were someone is trying to whisper in your ear, but you struggle to hear them because the room is full of loud people?
That thought popped in my head this morning on my way to work. Lately things have been coming up, trials or fears that I'm desperate for help in. I think during those times -'Man, I wish I had a husband to talk this over with or to hold me.' or I think 'maybe, I should call so and so, they may be able to help.' And lately, in those places I find myself alone. That friend I normally go over things with is busy with her family (and that's okay), and the husband I'm waiting for, well he's simply not here yet.
In His kindness the Lord has taken me by the hand to His quiet place. Away from other's opinions and solutions because He has the answer in the stillness and even in the quietness.
I get so upset with the Lord's still small voice-- Oh how I wish He would yell so I could be absolutely sure that He is near, but then again, a whisper is so intimate. When someone whispers in your ear they are right next to you, shoulders touching, leaning in-- close enough for a kiss!! It is because of His kindness and desire for us to know Him more that He draws us away, and sometimes others away from us for a time, that we might draw near to Him. I want to learn to love His whisper; to love those times of just me and Him. Jesus treasured these times. He had the sick and broken waiting for what He had to give, but He knew that He had to have His Fathers whisper to be effective; to be Love to others. So even He would sneak away from the crowd and His disciples for alone time with His Abba Father.
Lord help me to be aware of these seasons, to treasure them and not try to escape them. Your whisper sustains us, it moves us, it strengthens us, and so much more.
He is in the stillness, quietness, and the loneliness-- right there.

Tuesday, September 16, 2008

Quirky Quirks

~I don't like parking decks, but I don't panic or freak out when I'm driving in one.

~I am paranoid that I have big hair, but if I was African American I would totally sport an Afro.

~I do not like elbows- they're funny looking and pointed, and I especially don't like being touched by them-- SO KEEP YOUR ELBOWS TO YOURSELF!

~If I was insane I would probably walk around with a bag of chocolate chips eating and singing songs from old musicals.

~I have stereotypes about red headed men that drive big trucks, but I won't say what they are.

~I think 3 Musketeers, Tootsie Rolls, and Candy Corn are nasty.

~I grew up in a town named after a fish that had a population of 945.

~I don't like the snow unless it is high on a mountain in Colorado in July.

~When I was little I couldn't say the 'R' sound. So when people would ask my name I would say 'Sta... Like in the sky' and I would point to the sky. I have said my 'R' sounds perfectly for a long time now.

~When I am stressed out I eat raw Oscar Meyer Cheese Hotdogs-- I know it's nasty-- I hope we can still be friends.

~If I was stranded on an island the thing I would want the most would be ice water.

~I don't know what a carburetor looks like or does and I don't want to know.

~I just noticed the other day that I'm one of those people that says 'mmbye' when getting off the phone.

What are some funny quirks you have?


Monday, September 15, 2008

Just to Testify

I think one of the hardest things about being a SM (single mom) is paying the bills. I know many SM's who have not always received reliable child support-- me being one of them, and have had to work anything from up to 3 jobs.
This was one thing that I felt strongly about not doing and immediately started talking to the Lord about this very topic when I found myself in this new world. I desired to be the main person raising my son and wanted to be a mom, not a business woman.

Please note: this blog is in no way to judge any SM that has or is working 3 jobs or is in the 'working business mom world'-- I myself am also in the business world, but only part time because of the season the Lord has directed me in. This blog is simply to testify of the faithfulness of God and the way He has directed my path.

Okay, back to my story. The first job I was working was about 35 hours a week, and then from there the Lord blessed me with a really great new job working in an office with a great boss and great godly women. I was working 40 hours a week, Matthew was in after school care, and bills were being paid. It was SO hard. I really don't know how people do it outside of the grace God supplies during those times. After working these hours for about a year, during the summer of 2007 I was praying about the upcoming school year and my desire to be more involved with Matthew's school and more energized to help him after school, and I heard the Lord so clearly say to me-- 'It is not acceptable for Matthew to be in After school care anymore.' and I, of course, was like-- excuse me Lord-- do you see that I have bills to pay? do you see that I am not receiving child support? how is this suppose to work Lord? 'Just trust Me!' So I got out my notebook (just like anyone else would do) and I crunched the numbers and then I 'Showed' God-- you know because He didn't know-- heehee-- I'm so silly. Of course He was like-- 'it's not about the numbers honey, just trust me'. So before school started that year I met with my boss. I told him that the Lord told me that I need to get off at 2pm everyday to pick my son up from school. --- long silence----- 'Well, you need to do what you are feeling lead to do' is what my boss said-- Wow God! This really must be You!! Crazy!!
So, since Aug of 2007 I have been working part time. I can't tell you exactly how the bills have been paid. Money hasn't been falling out of the sky and it sure isn't growing on a tree in the back yard, but somehow the numbers stretched, the bills are paid, and food is on the table. God has been so faithful to guide me in practically all my financial decisions. He gets my 10% and along with that He takes the responsibility of the 90% and all the bills. He is faithful!! Matthew went from really struggling in school to straight A's! Matthew and I have really been able to enjoy our time together, not have stress during homework, and simply not be in a rush ALL THE TIME. Also, I have really seen the Lord's faithfulness in helping me accomplish 8 hours worth of work in a 6 hour day, and not come home absolutely exhausted. I really am adamant about not thinking about work outside of work and because of that can really put my focus on home life-- it's not always easy, but is possible with the Lord.

Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
If you have a desire in your heart right now that seems impossible, what ever it may be, bring it before the Lord, and believe!! He can and will do immeasurable more than we can ask or image. That desire, most likely, is something that He has placed there and something that He wants to make a way for!!

Psalm 20:4 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
And fulfill all your purpose.

Friday, September 12, 2008

Jedi Wisdom from the Masters

Come check out me and Brandy's super fun AIM conversation!!
It's a must read!!
Also, Be sure to read the blog I wrote earlier today.

God's Truth......

Last weekend my son Matthew experienced a real let down from someone he truly trusted, and as we all know, that's were the true disappointments come from: those we love and trust that are not perfect and are fallible.
Well, he had been gone for the weekend and Sunday night when he got home I was tucking him in bed for the night. I was asking him how he was doing and if he was happy to be home, and he says 'Mom, this isn't my home.' And I said 'what do you mean Matthew?'. He said 'Mom, my home is in heaven.' I was so impressed with my little sons revelation of this truth. He didn't say it in sadness, he said it as factually as anyone could say anything. My little man in the midst of his pain came to the realization (with the help of Holy Spirit I'm sure) that this is not his permanent place, but just a temporary residency.
Yes I want comfort and blessings on this side of eternity for me and my son, and yes I know that I can stand and believe that we WILL see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, but I also know that when people disappoint or pain comes that this place is not permanent and nor are our circumstances. The Lord is though and He has stored up such a wonderful place for us without pain or disappointment-- Praise God.
Thanks Matthew!

2 Peter 3:13
But in keeping with his promise we are looking forward to a new heaven and a new earth, the home of righteousness.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Beware! You've been Busted!!

Stupid sneaky ugly devil!! I'm so angry at all his dumb schemes and sly ways.
BUT I'm so super thankful for the Lord's bright spotlight-- he got busted once again, and no weapon formed against me shall prosper!!
(By the way the enemy really isn't cute and cuddly like the picture shown here, but this definitely reveals that he is not to be feared when we serve such an amazing awesome BIG God!!)

How does it happen? One day I'm worshipping the Lord, living my life of joy and peace, and then BAM, I'm flat on my face striving for my next breath. Okay, but let me be honest here; I really shouldn't say it was ALL the enemy. Yes, yours truly-- me and my flesh-- sure did play a part. How quickly it happens when we tire of waiting and choose our own ways and our own negative thoughts over His truth. Let me tell you people: Negative thoughts swing the door wide open to the schemes of the enemy. I have struggled my whole life with using negativity to protect me from disappointment, and what a lie that is!! The Lord wants us to Hope with Him; He is longing for a people that will risk believing and standing-- even if the road seems bleak or the path impossible. Beware!! Negativity leads to depression-- don't let it happen to you!!
My thoughts must be His or I will find myself slipping down the slope of depression and that is simply not acceptable for a child of God!! It really isn't people!

Phil. 4:8-9 (Message) Summing it all up, friends, I'd say you'll do best by filling your minds and meditating on things true, noble, reputable, authentic, compelling, gracious—the best, not the worst; the beautiful, not the ugly; things to praise, not things to curse. Put into practice what you learned from me, what you heard and saw and realized. Do that, and God, who makes everything work together, will work you into his most excellent harmonies.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Where Am I?

What a horrible question to having going through you mind!! Whether it's being asked while stuck in Atlanta traffic, hiking in the woods, shopping in the mall, or just at home trying to figure out life; I hate this question!
I don't like to be lost in ANY kind of way.
I don't like to feel helpless or not know what's around the corner.
Not knowing where you are, no matter if that's geographical or not, is a scary place to be.
But I have been here before; this place is unfortunately familiar.
Oh yeah, this is that place where I 100% have to rely on the Lord, where He is the only one that knows where I am and where I am going.
This is the place that the blindfold is on, and He takes my hand and says--
'Do you trust Me Starr?'
He gently whispers,
'Here comes a step here; lift up your foot.'
or maybe He says
'Now we're going in some deep water, but I've got you.'
but then I know there will be that sure time were I hear Him say
'Okay, now the blindfold is coming off- are you ready for your surprise?'

I know it is going to be worth it!
He knows where I am all the time, and His banner over me is love. I am safe!

Thursday, September 4, 2008

Question of the Week

Hello Fellow Bloggers. As a mom that wishes she had all the answers, but every day realizes that she doesn't-- I would propose a 'mommy question for the week'.

And here it is:
What do you do if there is a neighborhood kid that wants to play with your kid, but your kid does not want to play with him? Do you force him to play with that kid?

I am in the process of teaching Matthew about compassion and kindness, and at times he will play with this kid, but this kid is younger, and Matthew has other boys his age that he would like to play with majority of the time in the neighborhood.


Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Come over to Plunderful Life

Come check out my interview with Kim over here

This sight is such a blessing to so many single moms!!!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

BFF How-To Video Entry

Here it is! Starr's and Brandy's BFF How-To Video Contest. (Cue dramatic music here.)



This is the Prelude to the BFF How-To Video Contest. Enjoy!

Friday, August 29, 2008

Some of my favorite movie and tv lines

When I was a kid me and my sisters and brother would quote movie lines and see if the others could guess what movie it was off of. The stupid thing was that we pretty much always used the same lines. I thought I would name off a few:

'Hey you guys'

'As you wish'
'I'm not a witch, I'm your wife. But after what you just said, I'm not even sure I want to be that any more.'
Princess Bride

'I carried a watermelon'
'Baby, is that your name?'
Dirty Dancing


'How RUDE'
Full House

We tended to watch the same movies and shows over and over again, and I know I've got more mixed up in this brain of mine, but that's all I've got for you for now. I'm more interested in seeing your comments on some of those movie or tv lines that have stuck with you over the years.
Keep it clean peeps!!

Thursday, August 28, 2008

Bringing it back to 'Simple'

For some reason, lately, the most simple tasks have seemed overwhelming. I'm not feeling up to keeping the normal speed of my busy life, and honestly, haven't been. I'm really feeling like there is a point were we need to listen to that still small voice that is whispering 'rest', and be okay with a slower pace.

I guess it's time to smell the roses; even if the laundry isn't 100% done, the floors need mopped, and the tub needs a good cleaning.

I know most of the time when I'm feeling like I need to rest it seems like an impossible desire to fulfill, and I think it's because I don't see it as a necessity but rather, a privilege or treat. Isaiah changed my mind about that:

Isaiah 30:15-18
15 For thus said the Lord God, the Holy One of Israel: In returning [to Me] and resting [in Me] you shall be saved; in quietness and in [trusting] confidence shall be your strength. But you would not,

16 And you said, No! We will speed [our own course] on horses! Therefore you will speed [in flight from your enemies]! You said, We will ride upon swift steeds [doing our own way]! Therefore will they who pursue you be swift, [so swift that]

17 One thousand of you will flee at the threat of one of them; at the threat of five you will flee till you are left like a beacon or a flagpole on the top of a mountain, and like a signal on a hill.

18And therefore the Lord [earnestly] waits [expecting, looking, and longing] to be gracious to you; and therefore He lifts Himself up, that He may have mercy on you and show loving-kindness to you. For the Lord is a God of justice. Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) are all those who [earnestly] wait for Him, who expect and look and long for Him [for His victory, His favor, His love, His peace, His joy, and His matchless, unbroken companionship]!

If speeding my own course means the enemy has more access to me I think rest is necessity!!

Is the Lord asking you to 'rest' right now?

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Abolishing the Lies

Don't tell me that I have to be stressed out all the time because I'm a 'single mom'.
The Prince of Peace causes me to walk in peace!
Proverbs 3:17 Her ways are ways of pleasantness, And all her paths are peace.

Don't say that my kid is going to be screwed up because I'm a 'single mom'.
Because God is the Father to the fatherless, my son will grow up to be a man of valor and Godly character!
Psalm 68:5 A father to the fatherless, a defender of widows, is God in his holy dwelling.

Don't speak over me that life HAS to be hard, confusing, and lonely because I'm a 'single mom'.
I find rest, clarity, and companionship in my intimate times with the Lord.
Matthew 11:29 Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls.

Don't tell me that I have to work 3 jobs because I'm a 'single mom'.
God is my Provider, and He supplies all our needs according to His riches and Glory.
Philippians 4:19And my God shall supply all your need according to His riches in glory by Christ Jesus.
Corinthians 9:10 Now may He who supplies seed to the sower, and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness,

Don't say to me that my son will have to raise himself because I'm a 'single mom'.
His grace is sufficient for me; supplying the correct measure of energy I need to raise him up every day, and when I am feeling in lack God is big enough to carry both of us.
Hebrews 4:16Let us therefore come boldly to the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy and find grace to help in time of need.

One of the most powerful things we can do to abolish the lies the enemy has been throwing at us is to speak them out and then blow them up with TRUTH in The Word.
What has the enemy been lieing to you about? What is the truth that will abolish that lie? What does God's word say?
We live in a world full of stereotypes and deceptions. God never wanted moms to raise kids alone, but none of our situations caught Him by surprise, and He is fully capable of taking care of us right where we are at. That's the Truth!!!

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

10 things I actually remember doing this week:

1. Tried on my bridesmaid dress for a wedding in September, and felt good about myself in it.

2. Observed my sons two turtles mating--- very interesting.

3. Left a message with someone that was very hard to call-- Very hard.

4. Went jogging 3 times!! Thankyouverymuch!!

5. Grounded my son from his DS for mouthing off. (It had to be done peeps.)

6. Gained the revelation of 'The Law of Diminishing Return'. (maybe I'll blog on this later)

7. Committed to making a BFF How To Video with my friend Brandy.

8. Bought my very first pair of tummy tuck panties-- see #1. (they go all the way over my belly button!!! Oh my gosh!)

9. I read Isaiah Chapter 30 about 3 times. I really want this to sink in!

10. I complained to the Lord, cried to the Lord, praised the Lord, laughed with the Lord, and said 'Thank You' to the Lord; all in the same week, with the same mouth.