I think one of the hardest things about being a SM (single mom) is paying the bills. I know many
SM's who have not always received reliable child support-- me being one of them, and have had to work anything from up to 3 jobs.
This was one thing that I felt strongly about not doing and immediately started talking to the Lord about this very topic when I found myself in this new world. I desired to be the main person raising my son and wanted to be a mom, not a business woman.
Please note: this blog is in no way to judge any SM that has or is working 3 jobs or is in the 'working business mom world'-- I myself am also in the business world, but only part time because of the season the Lord has directed me in. This blog is simply to testify of the faithfulness of God and the way He has directed my path.Okay, back to my story. The first job I was working was about 35 hours a week, and then from there the Lord blessed me with a really great new job working in an office with a great boss and great godly women. I was working 40 hours a week, Matthew was in after school care, and bills were being paid. It was SO hard. I really don't know how people do it outside of the grace God supplies during those times. After working these hours for about a year, during the summer of 2007 I was praying about the upcoming school year and my desire to be more involved with Matthew's school and more energized to help him after school, and I heard the Lord so clearly say to me-- 'It is not acceptable for Matthew to be in After school care anymore.' and I, of course, was like-- excuse me Lord-- do you see that I have bills to pay? do you see that I am not receiving child support? how is this suppose to work Lord? 'Just trust Me!' So I got out my notebook (just like anyone else would do) and I crunched the numbers and then I 'Showed' God-- you know because He didn't know--
heehee-- I'm so silly. Of course He was like-- 'it's not about the numbers honey, just trust me'. So before school started that year I met with my boss. I told him that the Lord told me that I need to get off at 2pm everyday to pick my son up from school. --- long silence----- 'Well, you need to do what you are feeling lead to do' is what my boss said-- Wow God! This really must be You!! Crazy!!
So, since Aug of 2007 I have been working part time. I can't tell you exactly how the bills have been paid. Money hasn't been falling out of the sky and it sure isn't growing on a tree in the back yard, but somehow the numbers stretched, the bills are paid, and food is on the table. God has been so faithful to guide me in practically all my financial decisions. He gets my 10% and along with that He takes the responsibility of the 90% and all the bills. He is faithful!! Matthew went from really struggling in school to straight A's! Matthew and I have really been able to enjoy our time together, not have stress during homework, and simply not be in a rush ALL THE TIME. Also, I have really seen the Lord's faithfulness in helping me accomplish 8 hours worth of work in a 6 hour day, and not come home absolutely exhausted. I really am
adamant about not thinking about work outside of work and because of that can really put my focus on home life-- it's not always easy, but is possible with the Lord.
Psalm 37:4 Delight yourself in the LORD and he will give you the desires of your heart.
If you have a desire in your heart right now that seems impossible, what ever it may be, bring it before the Lord, and believe!! He can and will do immeasurable more than we can ask or image. That desire, most likely, is something that He has placed there and something that He wants to make a way for!!
Psalm 20:4 May He grant you according to your heart’s desire,
And fulfill all your purpose.