Thursday, July 31, 2008

Super Spiritual Huh?

I don't really know what to say about this, but it may create a good laugh for some, and some enlightenment for others-- I REALLY don't know. Enjoy!!

This video posed a couple of thoughts for me.

1. I wonder if this Cheeto is the best tasting Cheeto in the whole world, but no one will ever know because someone found it and says it looks like Jesus.

2. I wonder if the Cheetos company will start promoting their chips specifically for Christians, because, you know, they're 'special' chips.

3. I wonder how many Jesus shaped chips have been unknowingly eaten by those ravenous chip eaters (like me) who don't pay attention while they are eating?

4. I wonder how many Jesus shaped chips have been eaten by people that see that the chip looks like Jesus and think 'wow, this chip looks like Jesus!' and then ate it anyways?

5. WWJD--- make a Cheeto that looks like Him? Hmmmmmmmm

6. I wonder when we'll be able to purchase our very own Cheeto Jesus replica necklace on Ebay?

Here is a quote from the preacher shown on the video---"If people could find Jesus some how in us like she's found in this object then that would be a wonderful thing."
CHURCH-- I hope that we can do much better then this!!!!

And to end it all; one more quote from the finder of this amazing Cheeto---
"The bottom line is the joy that it's bringing." Do you feel the joy???

(To anyone that may be offended by this blog: I love every person shown on this video, I love Cheetos, and I love Jesus with ALL of my heart, and I only hope Jesus is laughing too.)

Singletonville Episode 4: I had NO idea

When I was married I had many single friends, most were not single moms, but still, they were single. I never once thought I needed to 'understand' their lives, because I never thought I would be single ever again. I was married when I was very young so even my past 'single' experience pretty much did not exist. So I've decided to attempt to compile a list of things that I did not, but now do, know about women in singlehood; the good and the bad.

1. The majority of meals are way to large for one adult and a child.

2. Once you get out of the habit of sleeping on one side of the bed; your sleeping position options are endless.

3. The grocery store is a lonely place. (I seldom shopped with my husband before, but, even still, the grocery store is a depressing place to me since I've become single) Maybe this one is just me.

4. Single people talk to themselves more then married people do-- at least this one does.

5. Changing light bulbs, taking out the trash, moving heavy things, and getting your car worked on SUCKS!!!!

6. The future becomes so mysterious.

7. Boy/girl relationships can be complicating and scary when you don't have a wedding ring on your finger.

8. Intimacy with Jesus becomes a must like never before.

9. Single woman know the name of every single man at there church regardless of if they are interested or not.

10. Your married friends will find out the name of every single man at your church and will at some point recommend everyone of them to you for a possible husband.

11. People like to recommend E Harmony; you decide.

12. There is an amazing realization that single people must walk in; that Jesus is ALWAYS with them everywhere.

13. There is A Lot of books out there for single people.

14. 'Kissing Dating Goodbye' is a book that many single people seem to not like, but, personally, I thought it was very good.

15. Most single people are learning a lot about waiting, and learning how to manage ache.

16. Jesus is a really really good husband; the best anyone will ever have!!! (I pray that I will carry this throughout life, whether I am single or not.)

17. Learning to enjoy alone time is such a good life lesson.

18. Single woman can change light bulbs, take out the trash, move heavy things, get their cars serviced, and much much more.

19. If you ask the Lord what you should wear He can tell you, and if you ask Him how you look He'll say that you're beautiful.

20. Being single does not have to define you. In the quiet places the Lord defines you as His.

21. Singlehood can be a trying season of life, but one that allows the Lord to open up so many new beautiful things.

22. Most single woman are in a constent place of learning, as are most people, and so lists of new found 'single' discoveries can be never ending, and therefore this may be a blog to continue again later.

God Bless!!!!

Friday, July 25, 2008

When all else fails----- just SCREAM

I remember when I was a little girl this feeling would just come over me. Does anyone know what feeling I'm talking about?: It kind of starts in your toes, and moves it's way up to your throat, and then, all you know is that you feel like screaming. It can come when you are excited about something, or mad, and then, sometimes it comes for no reason at all. Please tell me someone out there can relate.
What the heck is that about?
I still feel that way sometimes, well actually way more then I actually let it out. Honestly, I feel that way right now, but I'm not in an 'appropriate' place to act on it. I'm not stressed, I'm not excited, I just feel something inside that says SCREAM. Weird.
Maybe some grand thing is happening in the heavenlies; some awesome work of God that only my inner being knows about.
Maybe it's hormonal.
Maybe it's something I ate.
Maybe it's some female protective instinct that simply helps us to release the interior turmoil raging within.
I am woman here me roar-- scream--- same thing.....
Does anyone in the blogger realm know what in the world I am talking about?

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Boyz to Men

Okay, I have always been very thankful for having a son. Boys are so much fun!! I must admit though that lately I've been feeling a little like I don't know what I'm doing.
I think it's partly the reality that moms can't be dads, and boys REALLY need good dads; good godly dads. It seems that godly men examples seem to be the pivotal thing that builds there confidence, and makes them good strong men themselves. So, where does this fit for the single mom raising a boy?
I have always stood against the stereotype that my son will end up the typical single family home kid. That's just not acceptable to me, and I don't think it's acceptable to the Lord either. His ways are higher then our ways, and He is the Father to the fatherless. Matthew is growing up surrounded by much love, and stability, but I still see him struggle with confidence, fear, and sometimes anger.
As I'm typing this I'm reminded of all the good advice and encouragement I've received in the past, and know that God is directing me and sending me help, but today, I feel in lack.
Anyone have any words of wisdom on raising boys to be good men?
Also, on a related note; Matthew does not want to do sports, because quote on quote 'I'm not good at sports Mom, I'm just no good (in a teary voice)'. I really feel like he needs some activity to build his confidence, and I know for a fact that he is excellent at sports-- he's played many before with success. So, do I force him to join? The sports arena was always something I thought was for dad and son time, but that's not happening, so then what?
AHHHHHHH!! This blog seems like a real downer. Just one of those days. Thanks for listening though.

Monday, July 21, 2008

Am I turtley enough for the Turtle Club?

Okay, so let me tell you a tad about our pet history:
In the first year of learning how to be a single mom EVERYTHING was about simplicity. I really needed everything to be easy and without any complication to avoid explosion or breakdown, and the Lord definitely provided that along with help when things to big for me would arise. Well, after somewhat 'getting it down' (I'm still learning A LOT) I decided we could handle a cat. So for Matthew's 7th birthday I went to the humane society and that's were I found Luke Skywalker(named by my son, the StarWars fan). He is a beautiful, prissy looking, white and grey long haired cat. He has the best personality and is now a big part of our little family unit. All though his meow box is broken and he has an obnoxious cough instead of sweet meow or purr we love him dearly.
Well, a couple of months ago we decided that Luke needed a friend, you know, because he's so lonely. So, we got a beta fish. Matthew named him Darth Vader. He's Luke's father. They haven't really bonded much, but I think there still getting past the whole 'dark side' thing.
Well, now to the turtles. We have been offered two, rather large, aquarium turtles. Matthew and I both absolutely love turtles, and these are free: including tank, filter, food, EVERYTHING!!!
BUT, can we handle the maintenance? Does anyone out there know anything about turtles and aquarium upkeep? Also, any ideas for fun turtle StarWars names?

Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Singletonville Episode 3 Remembering to breath

I remember a time when breathing hurt so bad. When it was a conscious effort to inhale and exhale. My heart was broken, and everything I thought was going to 'be' was not.
It's so awesome to look back and truly be able to say that season has ended. My breathing is regular, if not better then it ever has been before, and my heart no longer feels like it's going to collapse upon itself. The very thing I thought was going to kill me did not, and then I realized that I had survived!! It didn't happen in a day. It was a gradual process.
One day you'll just catch yourself laughing/ smiling a lot, and you think--- wow-- I've survived, and I'm not hurting anymore!!; and then it comes-- a final excitement for the future, a realization that new beginnings will look beautiful, way more beautiful then the past, and you see that everything, even the suffering, caused a better you to come through; a gleaming reflection of a God that rubbed off on you while He held your hand and while He carried you. You'll remember the words He spoke in the darkness, in the loneliness, His words that revealed-- He truly understands, and 'HE' was not going anywhere-- EVER!! That, my friend, can carry you through anything, anywhere--- all the way to eternity........
It's a very incomprehensible place to be when you are thankful for suffering you have walked through-- I'm not longing for more suffering, but am so grateful for the grand ways the Lord used it.
Lord, take our hurts and and turn them into something lovely.

Isaiah 61:3To grant [consolation and joy] to those who mourn in Zion--to give them an ornament (a garland or diadem) of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, the garment [expressive] of praise instead of a heavy, burdened, and failing spirit--that they may be called oaks of righteousness [lofty, strong, and magnificent, distinguished for uprightness, justice, and right standing with God], the planting of the Lord, that He may be glorified.

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

A Need for Icecream

Okay, so it's confession time. I worship Icecream------ sometimes. Well, most of the time at list once a day. MMMMMMMM I really really really like icecream, but don't you dare give me that plain boring vanilla or chocolate. I must have 'stuff' in my icecream. Personally icecream with nothing in it makes me angry, kind of like cheese pizza, but that's a whole other blog.

Unfortunately at times the only option is plain icecream, but no worries, we only must become more creative people, and then again there are those times were we may have icecream that has 'stuff' in it, but it's just not enough stuff, and really, that's what this blog is about. I would like to recommend to all my icecream blogger fans a list of 'adders', if you will, to enhance any and every icecream eating experience. I would love to also hear your ideas as I am always happy to taste test and try new things.

My list is as follows:
-Peanutbutter, (one of my favorite adders) preferably crunchy
-Chocolate syrup-- DUH!!!
-bananas, pineapple, or any other delicious fruit
-any kind of nut (I like my icecream to have some crunchies in it)
-pretzels (CRUNCH--- YUM)
-hot chocolate powder (Thanks Brandy for introducing me to this delicious add!!)
-cereal (pretty much any kind would work)
-whip cream
-busted up granola bar
-Doritos (I personally have not tried this one, but my brother says it's yummy)
-Ritz Crackers (when desperate for a crunch these work well)

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm back, from outerspace, I mean Missouri

This is going to be short; so sorry to disappoint. My mind only has a capacity for a few words as I am still working on getting back on tract with life and work.

Missouri was so much fun. As you can see from the pic there were a lot of fun little kids to play with and fun older siblings as well. Our attempt to get all the kids on one couch for a pic failed miserably so all the parents had to jump in the mix. It's really easy for a kid to sneak off or block another kid when there are 8 of them and 7 are 4 and under. CRAZY!! Either way there we all are for your viewing pleasure.

There is a couple cute stories I could tell, but I've chosen one for today. My brothers bathroom door is messed up and sometimes if the door shuts just right you are pretty much trapped inside(scary!), and well, I ended up trapped inside. So I was banging on the door trying to get out and my 3 year old niece Alyson comes to the door and says 'hey Matthew, is that you?' and I said 'no, it's Aunt Starr. Could you please go get me some help?' Well, she said 'Ummm, NO, I'm busy playing'. No worries though, I eventually made it out.