Monday, July 21, 2008

Am I turtley enough for the Turtle Club?

Okay, so let me tell you a tad about our pet history:
In the first year of learning how to be a single mom EVERYTHING was about simplicity. I really needed everything to be easy and without any complication to avoid explosion or breakdown, and the Lord definitely provided that along with help when things to big for me would arise. Well, after somewhat 'getting it down' (I'm still learning A LOT) I decided we could handle a cat. So for Matthew's 7th birthday I went to the humane society and that's were I found Luke Skywalker(named by my son, the StarWars fan). He is a beautiful, prissy looking, white and grey long haired cat. He has the best personality and is now a big part of our little family unit. All though his meow box is broken and he has an obnoxious cough instead of sweet meow or purr we love him dearly.
Well, a couple of months ago we decided that Luke needed a friend, you know, because he's so lonely. So, we got a beta fish. Matthew named him Darth Vader. He's Luke's father. They haven't really bonded much, but I think there still getting past the whole 'dark side' thing.
Well, now to the turtles. We have been offered two, rather large, aquarium turtles. Matthew and I both absolutely love turtles, and these are free: including tank, filter, food, EVERYTHING!!!
BUT, can we handle the maintenance? Does anyone out there know anything about turtles and aquarium upkeep? Also, any ideas for fun turtle StarWars names?


Debbie C. said...

I know nothing about turtles except that Kristin loves them, (the fake ones) and they are cute! How about Hans Solo and Chewy? They were such good buds and that definitely fits with the theme. Waiting to hear all about the turtles settling in.

Beloved of the Lord said...

I love the names Debbie, Thanks!!

Brandy Thixton said...

Chewy is AWESOME! what about Obie (as in Obie Won... or however you spell it) and Chewy? hehe... good stuff.