Thursday, July 31, 2008

Singletonville Episode 4: I had NO idea

When I was married I had many single friends, most were not single moms, but still, they were single. I never once thought I needed to 'understand' their lives, because I never thought I would be single ever again. I was married when I was very young so even my past 'single' experience pretty much did not exist. So I've decided to attempt to compile a list of things that I did not, but now do, know about women in singlehood; the good and the bad.

1. The majority of meals are way to large for one adult and a child.

2. Once you get out of the habit of sleeping on one side of the bed; your sleeping position options are endless.

3. The grocery store is a lonely place. (I seldom shopped with my husband before, but, even still, the grocery store is a depressing place to me since I've become single) Maybe this one is just me.

4. Single people talk to themselves more then married people do-- at least this one does.

5. Changing light bulbs, taking out the trash, moving heavy things, and getting your car worked on SUCKS!!!!

6. The future becomes so mysterious.

7. Boy/girl relationships can be complicating and scary when you don't have a wedding ring on your finger.

8. Intimacy with Jesus becomes a must like never before.

9. Single woman know the name of every single man at there church regardless of if they are interested or not.

10. Your married friends will find out the name of every single man at your church and will at some point recommend everyone of them to you for a possible husband.

11. People like to recommend E Harmony; you decide.

12. There is an amazing realization that single people must walk in; that Jesus is ALWAYS with them everywhere.

13. There is A Lot of books out there for single people.

14. 'Kissing Dating Goodbye' is a book that many single people seem to not like, but, personally, I thought it was very good.

15. Most single people are learning a lot about waiting, and learning how to manage ache.

16. Jesus is a really really good husband; the best anyone will ever have!!! (I pray that I will carry this throughout life, whether I am single or not.)

17. Learning to enjoy alone time is such a good life lesson.

18. Single woman can change light bulbs, take out the trash, move heavy things, get their cars serviced, and much much more.

19. If you ask the Lord what you should wear He can tell you, and if you ask Him how you look He'll say that you're beautiful.

20. Being single does not have to define you. In the quiet places the Lord defines you as His.

21. Singlehood can be a trying season of life, but one that allows the Lord to open up so many new beautiful things.

22. Most single woman are in a constent place of learning, as are most people, and so lists of new found 'single' discoveries can be never ending, and therefore this may be a blog to continue again later.

God Bless!!!!


Anonymous said...

You are right on with all of these. And this single woman talks to herself ALL the time. I have some of my best conversations that way! ;)

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful list. I've thought about writing a post about the things I can do (change a lightbulb, kill a spider...). Everything on your list is SO true and I never realized it, or understood my single mom friends, until now. (Strange, now that I'm a single mom, all my friends are married.)

I think the grocery store is lonely too. Something about it... Oh, and #19 made me smile.

Kim Heinecke said...

I wish I had known you when I was single. We could've grocery shopped together. YOu are right on with that lonely store thing. I've no idea what it was about the store...

Beloved of the Lord said...

My friend Heather just read my blog and she says that the grocery store is depressing because of the sappy music-- I think she may have figured it out!!

Debbie C. said...

This is very good advice and insight, Starr. I didn't marry until I was 26 and all of my college friends at 21 were getting "hitched"; it was a tough time, but I remember that my relationship with Jesus was so sweet and so very important during those lonely years. And yes, the book "I kissed dating goodbye" is awesome!!

Theresa said...

19. If you ask the Lord what you should wear He can tell you, and if you ask Him how you look He'll say that you're beautiful.

That is the best thing in the world! Lady you have a great heart and a good head on your shoulders. Stay strong in the Lord!!