I hope you all had a very blessed Christmas with your families.
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Christmas Fun and 'other' accomplishments
I hope you all had a very blessed Christmas with your families.
Sunday, December 21, 2008
30 Things to do before I'm 30 (in no particular order)
I figured this post would be a good inspiration to complete the things on my list by giving me something interesting to post about periodically, and by allowing you good people to cheer me on and hold me accountable to finish what I started.
So, here it is:
1. Go to a beach I have not been to before.
2. Buy a new couch. DONE February 10, 2009
3. Get my passport.
4. Post this list in my bedroom were I can see it everyday.
5. Play with bubbles with my nephew and nieces.
6. Go to the Atlanta Aquarium DONE Dec. 23, 2008
7. Excavate dinosaur bones with Matthew.
8. Make an art journal.
9 Cook something new.
10. Visit and photograph 2 waterfalls in one day.
11. Travel outside of the USA.
12.Explore a castle I have never been to before.
13. Go to the Fish House.
14. Photograph 10 random red things.
15. Find a horny toad with Matthew.
16. Pick strawberries at Washington Farms.
17. Go on a date. Done: Dec 28, 2008(none ya business)
18.Run a 5K.
19. Ride on a hot air balloon.
20.Learn a new skill.
21.Read the entire Bible.
22. Meet one of my blog readers that I have never met before.
23. Sew curtains for Matthew's bedroom.
24. Go to Cumberland Island.
25. Sponsor a child overseas.
26. Give away gifts to strangers.
27. Rent, and vacation, at a beach house.
28. Go sledding with Matthew.
29. Visit my family in Utah.
30. Paint, and give away, 3 paintings.
'How long do you have?' you ask.
Well I have until April 28, 2010. Should be plenty of time.......... God willing.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
The Masterpiece
I honestly think they could have done better, but they were more interested in eating the candy. I might have felt the same way at nine.
Now that the Ginger Bread House is done, the tree is decorated, and the presents are wrapped and strategically placed under the tree, the only thing left is to try to get a descent picture of Matthew to send out for cards. This, so far, is the kind of picture my son is posing for--yes, that is an ornament in his nose! I don't know what I'm going to do!
Oh well, I guess we all could use a good jolly laugh!!
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Favorite Christmas Traditions
I'll be honest: I feel like me and Matthew need to work on that. I mean every year we take our traditional drive to look at Christmas lights, Christmas Eve he gets to open one present of my choosing, and every Christmas morning stockings are stuffed to full (and sometimes overflowing) capasity, but this year I want to start some new things:
Matthew and I read a story in a book the other day about a family that does a treasure hunt on Christmas morning and we decided to try that this year. I will hide one of his and leave a letter to the first clue under the tree and he's going to do the same. Knowing Matthew he will get SO excited that he will tell me right where mine is at-- we shall see.
We also plan to make a Ginger Bread House together which is something my mom usually did when we were kids. Matthew is so concerned about sitting it out and not being able to eat any of it. I've promised him that there will be extra for munching.
I've also always wanted us to make a sign that says:
You've Won This Year's Starr & Matthew Best Lights Award!!
and post it in someones yard with a gift card or something while looking at Christmas lights. This is a tradition that I hope to start this year.
Mainly though my hope this year is for me and Matthew to glorify God - to not let The Reason for The Season be missed in all this businesses and create memories that also remind us of the Goodness of Jesus.
Go over and check out some other Favorite Traditions on Kim's Blog and post one of your own!
Monday, December 15, 2008
Hoping for a pearl
One of those realization times has been coming to mind lately. About two and a half years ago I was with a friend and in need of some encouragement. She prayed for me and then felt lead to tell me this story:
Once upon a time there was a little girl who had a fake pair of pearls. She loved these pearls and wore them everyday, but one day her Daddy came to her and asked her if she would give him the pearls. She of course said no. She loved her pearls and couldn't bare to part with them. Her Daddy continued day after day to ask her for them, but she continued to say 'No!' Her Dad had told her that if she gave him those pearls that he had something very special he wanted to give to her. One evening the little girl began to think about how much she loved her pearls, but also about how much she loved and trusted her Father. The very next day she gave those fake pearls to her Dad and immediately he handed her the most beautiful pearl necklace she had ever seen, but there was something other then it's beauty that was different about this these pearls ---- they were REAL.
I have been thinking a lot lately about the 'real' pearls God has blessed me with. How through this I have come to have more intimacy with a 'real' God who, in the process, has taught me how to be the 'real' me.
There is, though, a pearl I have not yet gained. A pearl that I hope will some day be a husband that God has orchestrated in my life the 'real' way God has called love and marriage to be, but I'm okay with the wait (well, not always, but today I am) because I know that 'real' pearls take a while to form. They require a lot of time and friction to develop into something lovely, and during that time the pearl is completely hidden from view. So, when I look around and see nothing, or no one, I try to remember this about 'real' pearls. I also try to remember that it really must take an act of God to find a pearl-- I mean the oceans pretty dang big! So, that leaves me just trusting the Daddy that has always been trustworthy, and I bet, if He knows the number of hairs on my head that He also knows right where my pearl is and He'll bring it to me right on time.
Friday, December 12, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
I think I'll go back....... someday
I've pretty much decided that me and my son must have pictures of us walking on this skyline! This is so super cool!!
Unfortunately this post is not to announce that we are jumping on a plane this week to fly to Arizona, but I simply just wanted to let you know so that if in 10 years you see me you can ask-- 'have you went back to the Grand Canyon yet?' and if I say no-- you can remind me that this is a place that I need to go and hopefully in 10 years I will have no excuses!
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
Favorite's Party- Kid Stories
Oh wow, there is some many one liners I could tell you about, or crazy stunts he has pulled. I could tell you about his attempts at break dancing, beat boxing, wiggling his ears, or standing on his head. I could even show you some funny faces that he makes-- which is embarrassing because most of them he gets from me!! I could tell you about the time I found earth worms in his pocket or his obsession with being Clark Kent. Hmmmmm-- I guess I will just leave you with this:
When Matthew was maybe four we all enjoyed watching The Crocodile Hunter. Matthew loved the animals and Steve Irwin was Matthew's hero. Well, one day we were in a toy store; me and his dad were just talking as we walked past this giant stuffed crocodile of which we didn't even notice until our son jumped on top of it, rapped his legs around it, and began rolling all over the place; wrestling the poor thing into submission--- as much as you can a stuffed croc. I think the funny thing about it was how serious Matthew was. He wasn't laughing at all, but just doing his Crocodile Hunter duty. We really got a big laugh out of that.
Saturday, December 6, 2008
I'm Finally Feeling the Christmas Spirit
I have a confession to make; I tend to take a little longer then some to get excited about Christmas. A lot of the hustle and bustle stresses me out, being away from family makes me feel lonely, and the cold makes me want to find a warm bed and sleep until the spring.
Now don't worry, because of my awesome son and because of The Reason for the season it always comes together and we always end up having a very Merry Christmas, and this one I plan on being especially great!
Here are a few pics of our Christmas tree. Personally, I absolutely love real trees, especially the smell of them, but I have some stereotypes and one of them is that it is 'mans work' to cut down the tree, drag it down the stairs, and set it up in that tree stand doohickey (I know you are super disappointed mom-- I'm not as strong as you apparently-heehee), but this year there is not a big burly man to help with a tree even though Matthew has grown quit a bit this year. So, we will stick to the fake one.--- I'm considering sneaking some Pine Car Air Fresheners in there for added effect, and I've learned over the last couple of years that the ticket to fake trees is to put double the ornaments and garland to fill it all in, especially if you have a lower-end one like I do. Either way I'm happy with our officially 'Christmassy' house!!
Have you put your Christmas Tree up yet? Real or Fake? Does the whole family decorate the tree at your house?
Friday, December 5, 2008
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
I missed Favorites Tuesday
My favorite present is actually not one that I received but actually a present Matthew got at his last birthday. This singing dog has become quit a fun fixture in our home. Randomly Matthew will bring it in the room I'm in, sit it down, and push the button. A couple of weeks ago I was still asleep and Matthew came in and layed the singing dog next to me. Later that day he was in the shower and I snuck in the bathroom and sat him on the counter to sing to Matthew.
This little dog has become a fun/silly way that we tell each other 'I love you'.
Monday, December 1, 2008
With More Gadgets Comes Greater Responsibility
I will say one thing for sure. Sleeping on that sidewalk (actually 'attempting' to sleep) really made me thankful for not being homeless. Sleeping on the streets is AWFUL!!
But still, I did get a good deal, and don't plan on doing it again in the future.
Now for my first proof of the digital camera purchase. Here, for your viewing pleasure, is a picture of me after my night in the Office Depot parking lot.
I'll confess that I had taken pictures that looked a lot worst, but I believe that this one still reflects that it was rough with out me looking too awfully disgusting.
After sleeping most of my day away on friday and playing on my laptop ALL day (and I do mean all day) Saturday I have decided that I need a timer for myself-- I definitely need a limit, and I'm proud to say that I have implemented that the last couple of days and it has done me and my household good.
I'm excited about being able to spend more time on my posts and being able to read other's blogs at home.
Please tell me how you manage your computer time at home without robbing time from family, chores, and the Lord.