Thursday, December 11, 2008

I think I'll go back....... someday

My mom took the four of us kids to the grand canyon when I was a teenager. I don't think I appreciated it as much as I should have as a teen, but I do remember thinking that it's, well, grand. I absolutely love roadtrips, but wasn't sure that I would ever make my way back to the Grand Canyon until I saw this:

I've pretty much decided that me and my son must have pictures of us walking on this skyline! This is so super cool!!
Unfortunately this post is not to announce that we are jumping on a plane this week to fly to Arizona, but I simply just wanted to let you know so that if in 10 years you see me you can ask-- 'have you went back to the Grand Canyon yet?' and if I say no-- you can remind me that this is a place that I need to go and hopefully in 10 years I will have no excuses!


jenn said...

I went when I was 14. I didn't appreciate it as much as I should have either. Maybe I'll go back someday.

gourdwizard said...

I would like to walk on that too. I hear it is very expensive. That trip we took when you were a teen, was one of our funnest. We spent three weeks exploring the southwest. What you didn't tell the readers is how much time you spent sleeping in the back seat! I love you Starr! Mom

Robin said...

I went a few times as a child and once as an adult. Knowing God more these days, I sure would love to go back and See His Handy Work! I hope you get a chance to go with your son. I hope to travel with my daughter too, when she gets a bit bigger, she is only 3, and is a "wild thig". But a good girl too! God Bless and keep in touch when you can. Robin